And Then There Were Four

We're creating this blog because it's the cool thing to do when people are having a baby. Just kidding, really we already have a hard enough time keeping up with everyone we want to, and our lives are about to get even more wonderfully busy. We can't wait - and we want you guys to be able to share in it too, so we both plan on reporting on it. Read at your own risk, and hopefully you'll enjoy it!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


A verse in Proverbs says that "Pride comes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." In my case, it was "Pride comes before massive poopy underpants"

Ben had a great potty training day yesterday with no accidents and several successful trips out of the house where he stayed dry and clean. So last night we took a family walk and I convinced Brian to throw some shorts on him and keep his little underwear on and we'd go for our walk. I was so proud. Yay Ben for being potty trained at such a young age. Yay me for sticking with it and getting it done. Yay Yay Yay. I kept looking at him and didn't see wet so figured we were good to go. Ben is a fairly consistent "go-er" and is a morning person if you catch my drift. Little did I know that he chose the walk last night to have a major accident. We got home and he ran to his little potty so Brian went to put him on and discovered it. Ben looked down and pointed and said "uhoh."

Yes....major uhoh.

Pride comes before the poop apparently

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's quite a gamut from vows to poop. I love reading about your life as a wonderful family. You're doing a great job on all fronts!