Quick update on life at our house this past week.
The biggest development is that we not only have an almost finished bathroom but we got the carpets cleaned and have started assembling nursery furniture!! All the construction mess is out of the nursery and official set up has begun! So far we have the glider and a dresser set up and the crib and changing table in boxes waiting for assembly.
Before the carpet cleaning, we had to move everything out of the upstairs in preparation. Here is what our dining room looks like right now...it looks like we're moving. Not moving....just hopefully purging stuff we don't need and organizing what we do.
When the nursery is finished we'll make sure and post lots of pictures. It's been a busy week for us. Work is busy, work at home is busy, we're just busy. Lots to do in the next few weeks! Brina and Brian crashed on the couch last night.
Finally.....a belly shot from week 35.
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! love you both and the boy too :) miss you guys like crazy!
glad i found your blog! hang in there!!
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